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411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23

Financial Planning Essentials

Participants who attend this course will gain a basic level of knowledge on investments and investing strategies, which will enable them to build and better manage an investment portfolio.

Recommended for those who desire a greater ability to make informed investment decisions.

Each participant will receive a 45-plus page workbook, which reviews each topic covered, and provides resources and a glossary for future use.

4 hours


  • Investigate the basics on financial accounts, stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.
  • Uncover six crucial factors that affect stock prices.
  • Consider bond investments based on six important elements.
  • Study ratings to identify the risk and return potential of various bonds.
  • Describe the relationship between bond values and interest rates.
  • Analyze mutual fund fees and expenses.
  • Find out the most prevalent reasons investors buy stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.
  • Recognize five sources of risk and how to manage each.
  • Evaluate levels of risk and return for various investments.
  • Determine which types of investments match one’s objectives.
  • Diversify, allocate, and rebalance assets in an investment portfolio.
  • Review and apply key investment terms.
  • Discover essential investing guidelines and common mistakes to avoid.
  • Develop an investment plan for all financial goals.

Fee includes

  • 4 hour Interactive training session
  • All training materials
  • Glossary of related financial terms
  • Lunch and refreshments

Enrollment is strictly limited and available space will be filled in the order registrations are received.