Understanding Stocks, Bonds and the Markets (Beginning Course)
Understanding Stocks, Bonds and the Markets (Beginning Course)
Description Participants who attend this course will develop a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of stocks and bonds. In addition, this course will help to simplify the terminology and jargon used by the financial industry.
Audience Recommended for those who would like to have a better grasp of stock and bond investments
Materials Each participant will receive a 45-plus page workbook, which reviews each topic covered, and provides resources and a glossary for future use
Duration 4 hours
Uncover the reasons organizations issue stocks and bonds.
Identify reasons for investing in stocks and bonds.
Recognize the common types of stocks & bonds and their characteristics.
Review five major entities that facilitate stock trading.
Discover five important factors that determine stock prices.
Recall important stock averages and indexes that measure market Performance.
Learn how to read stock and bond quotations.
Go over six important elements of bonds.
Examine the meaning of bond ratings.
Learn how interest rates affect stock and bond investments.
Find out the risks of owning stocks and bonds.
Identify four essential actions to take before making investment decisions.
Fee includes:
4 hour Interactive training session
All training materials
Glossary of related financial terms
Enrollment is strictly limited and available space will be filled in the order registrations are received.