Description Participants who attend this course will be better able to plan and save for their children’s college education needs. Participants will learn key funding strategies and sources using interactive exercises and discussion.
Audience Recommended for those who would like to plan more effectively to fund their children’s college education
Materials Each participant will receive a 45-plus page college resource guide
Duration 3 – 4 hours
Review the current average tuition, room, and board costs for public and private colleges.
Discover four key ways to reduce college costs.
Assess the pros and cons with putting money in a child’s name.
Describe Section 529 plans and to whom they are suitable.
Distinguish between Education Savings Accounts and custodial accounts.
Compare Section 529 plans vs. Education Savings Accounts.
Review the current application for federal student aid.
Uncover how the financial aid process works and recent changes to the formula.
Calculate how much can be comfortably borrowed for college.
Find out four helpful steps to pay off student loans.
Fee includes
3 – 4 hour Interactive training session
All training materials
Glossary of related financial terms
Enrollment is strictly limited and available space will be filled in the order registrations are received.