Description Participants who attend this course will gain a basic level of knowledge on investments and investing strategies, which will enable them to build and better manage an investment portfolio.
Audience Recommended for those who desire a greater ability to make informed investment decisions.
Materials Each participant will receive a 45-plus page workbook, which reviews each topic covered, and provides resources and a glossary for future use.
Duration 4 hours
Investigate the basics on financial accounts, stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.
Uncover six crucial factors that affect stock prices.
Consider bond investments based on six important elements.
Study ratings to identify the risk and return potential of various bonds.
Describe the relationship between bond values and interest rates.
Analyze mutual fund fees and expenses.
Find out the most prevalent reasons investors buy stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.
Recognize five sources of risk and how to manage each.
Evaluate levels of risk and return for various investments.
Determine which types of investments match one’s objectives.
Diversify, allocate, and rebalance assets in an investment portfolio.
Review and apply key investment terms.
Discover essential investing guidelines and common mistakes to avoid.
Develop an investment plan for all financial goals.
Fee includes
4 hour Interactive training session
All training materials
Glossary of related financial terms
Lunch and refreshments
Enrollment is strictly limited and available space will be filled in the order registrations are received.